Impressionistic, Colorful WhimsicaL Art Done With a Bit of Intuitive Influence And Fantasy Style Presented in Acrylic Paintings

In my mid-forties I took my first painting class and painted off and on until 2012 when I had the opportunity to pursue it more consistently.  Since then I have worked toward developing my colorful whimsical art style along with some other styles ~ still colorful!  Creating layers gives lots of visual interest throughout and is so much fun to do.  I often incorporate my growing variety of handmade mark-making and personally carved tools to accomplish this.  Working this way can be very time intensive but enjoyable to see what shows up on the canvas.  I begin my art projects by asking the Lord, the Master Creator for His help.  I set out in a direction with an idea or concept in mind and the work itself begins to call in a life of its own, but the result is always colorful whimsical art.  Sometimes there is disagreement between myself and the developing painting as to what direction I think it should take.  On occasion a painting proceeds to a point of resistance and a roadblock ensues.  It is set aside for a period of time.  Sometimes they become the base for another work.  Sometimes the next steps become obvious after a period of time.  There is joy and struggle in the process, but finally a flow follows where it is finally birthed!

colorful whimsical art





This art is copyrighted with the US Copyright Office prior to publishing.  All images, text and content on this site are the sole property of Celeste Snyder and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Celeste Snyder.

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