The New Year’s fresh beginnings and hope can quickly be overcome with challenges and set-backs.  Holding on to hope, strength and purpose requires we guard our mind and it’s thinking.  Time daily in the Word of God brings perspective and encouragement.  I also like to listen online to various encouraging teachers over spiritual and motivational issues.  I crank up the volume so I can be about my art work or in the kitchen cooking or cleaning.  When your mind starts to stray into negative areas, it’s important to quickly bring it back to His truth.  The Enemy may tell you some truth, but it is always a cold reality with no hope and meant to trigger fear, anxiety and worry.  I have been listening again to Dr. Caroline Leaf, a scientist and expert on the brain.  You may enjoy and be amazed at how marvelously we have been created and what can be overcome as a result.

A Happy and Victorious New Year to You!


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