Satan began a concept of the trinity thousands of years prior to the Revelation of Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible.  Satan’s corrupt version of a trinity involved Nimrod, his mother, Semiramis, who he later took as his wife, then her child, Tammuz, whom she conceived from another man prior to Nimrod’s death.

Semiramis claimed to be impregnated by the sun god ~ the deceased Nimrod, and demanded worship of herself and Tammuz whom she claimed as the reincarnated Nimrod ~ son of the sun.  She claimed her spirit was the moon and she would dwell in the moon upon her death.  Right there you can see the seeds of the corrupt Mother/Child image popular in some aspects of Catholicism and among other pagan religions.  In a 2016 post I wrote about Constantine, a sun-god worshipper, granting political freedom to the Christians, yet creating a system where the Babylonian mystery religion imbedded in Rome could mix with a perverted form of Christianity becoming Roman Catholicism.   This is going on today with many protestant churches being dumbed down, embracing apostasy and in some circles, calling Islam’s god, rooted in Nimrod and the Satanic Babylonian mystery religion the same as Father God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit of the Holy Bible.

Through Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz, Satan laid the foundation for every system of falsehood and error prevalent in the pagan and heathen religions, later blending with Christianity producing Roman Catholicism, a hybrid religion and now corrupting the Protestant vein of Christianity.  The ultimate goal is a global, one world religion.

It’s clarifying to recognize these pagan religions from old that continue into our modern times are all connected back to Nimrod and his gang, and Satan.  Cults like Mormonism, secret lodges like the Masons, religions like Hinduism and  Islam for example, all have roots in them.

It’s likely you have heard of Isis “Queen of Heaven” and Osiris (Nimrod), popular in Egypt, along with other alter-egos like Baal and Ashtarte, Venus and Adonis, Mardock and Astarte and many others.

Part of Satan’s plan is to offer so many personalized options through so many means it seems there are many paths to “god” yet it is but one big colossal lie rooted in Nimrod.  These are not people worshipping God, but worshipping idols and demons and Satan.  Ultimately people who have rejected the true God will fall for this lie under globalization and a one world religion.

As Solomon said, There is nothing new under the sun.  It just gets re-worked, re-packaged and presented as something to “Oooh and Aaah” about.  It really boils down to two choices, God or Satan.  You can take what Satan has come up with for mankinds’ spiritual emptiness.  Many, refusing the grace and love of God end up turning to Satan’s various programs customized to tickle their particular fancy ~ the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, or the pride of life.  Satan is tricky, he leads you to think you can have the perverted spiritual tokens, experiences and power while maintaining your autonomy and independence along with determining your own moral truth.  Truth is, you end up owned by him having invited demonic powers to indwell you.  The other choice is what the Biblical Lord, God has offered ~ love, truth, grace, never ending Presence, help, direction, fulfillment and an eternity in a pure true Home in a deeper reality of which this temporal life is but a shadow.  But, the price is you turn your life over to Him.  Who gave up His life to pay for your sin so you have a way back to the Father.  It is a love relationship.  Not a domination technique.


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