Biblically, the number 8 is associated with new beginnings.  The number seven is associated with the Lord, God, and also with release.  Perhaps you have been called to release things, disappointments or people in 2017.  The word release is clearly taught in the concepts of “forgiveness” in the Bible.

When it comes to people and their offensive or injurious treatments, process it, keep healthy boundaries, including consequences if needed, and release them.  You do not want to be bound emotionally or spiritually.  You are not required to be in a relationship with unrepentant, persistent abusers.

Begin to speak His favor and blessing over your life.  Speak of the new beginnings you would like to see in 2018.  What would you like to see happen in 2018?  Obviously there are things we cannot control, but take an honest look at yourself and life and acknowledge how much is under your control.  Seek growth and becoming more in 2018.  Create a vision board or binder.  Write out simple goals that push you out of your comfort zone and stretch you but are not unrealistic, or impossible for your season in life.  Buy a voice recorder ~ about $80 at the time of this writing, and speak a long list of “I AM’s” into it and listen to it every day.  You will find this very uplifting and it shuts down the negative thoughts that bombard all our minds at times.  Dreams and goals are achieved in incremental steps and will come in His appointed time.  You must do your part to the best of your ability.  And, hold out for the best, don’t settle.

Here are some examples to get you started for your own recording or reading of your “I AM’s.”  When you record, be sure and write out everything and do so over a period of several days as so much more will come to you.  You want to get a comprehensive set of I AM’s recorded.

I AM well able with the Lord’s strength to accomplish my dreams

I AM well able to move through obstacles

I AM uniquely made and am one of a kind.  No one else has my calling or can fill my place at this time in history

I AM gifted and talented and I seek to discover and develop them.

I AM hearing the Holy Spirit’s leading, insights, warnings and encouragements as I surrender my heart and mind to Him.

I AM choosing hopeful, encouraging thoughts as the Lord would never speak hopelessness or negativity to me.

Do I AM’s for health, fitness, relationships, your home environment, career, schooling, learning and whatever else you can think of!


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