A mentor is a person with more experience and knowledge who is willing to help you learn the ropes and the tricks of the trade of the business or enterprise to which you aspire.  They help you develop the character, ethics and acumen you need, can be a mirror to you, can help you pinpoint your passions, and uncover your strengths.

Search out and study those people who are where you want to go and doing what you want to do.  We have access to a tremendous amount of powerful teachers, motivational speakers and coaches online and in books to help with our mentoring.  Get started watching some Youtube videos.  Read blogs and other educational sites.  Check out the websites of people that interest you as many share their success journey to help others interested by offering online classes.

Somebody at work or at school may be able to offer some mentoring.  Perhaps a stint of volunteer work in the area of your aspirations or a small, part-time position for a season in the area you are interested in will give you a real sense of what is involved along with access to the people who may offer a little mentoring.

If you find yourself the smartest one in your class, group or organization, it probably is time to find a new one at a higher level.  It can be hard to outgrow someone or something that has offered great mentoring, but for new growth and new levels, there comes a time you must move on.  You may not find something else right away, so spend your valuable time practicing what you have learned and improving upon it by yourself in personal reading and study.

There are an abundance of practical sites devoted to helping you move forward in the area you want to learn.  As I am an artist, I find a lot of help online as well as in occasional classes.  I have my own mentors I study, listen to, take classes from and/or read their  books.  Whatever you are interested in moving toward and developing, schedule the time to do your research.

Take notes and along with the priceless information you come across, I highly recommend you print it out and keep it in a binder.  Learning something valuable from a mentor and then losing it because you wouldn’t bother taking some notes or printing out their information is foolish.  Print out information so it can be studied again later and referred to for further work and research.  A basic printer can be reasonably priced and judicious use of ink and paper can help contain costs.  Screen shots can be a more cost effective way to print out some site information.  It is going to take some mentorship, tools and materials, time and resources along with continual learning to develop ourselves.  You will find a deep satisfaction and a sense of life purpose rise within as you move forward in this, so go!  Find your mentors!


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