At twenty something and even thirty something, it’s easy to think you have all the time in the world to accomplish your goals.  But death looms.  Being careless with what you eat and drink and engaging in destructive or predatory behaviors along with dysfunctional mindsets and relationships will reap consequences despite the lie coming to your mind that somehow you are immune from those consequences.  Down the road they do show up, though at the time it may seem you are escaping them.  We do reap what we sow.  What you plant will grow.

It is easy to fritter away valuable time on social media, dinking around with your cell phone, sitting brainwashed and numbed by hours of TV or at superficial social events or institutions with people that are not developing their lives and do not offer the chance for meaningful or collaborative relationships.

Having had several people die in the past eight months and being older myself  I see each day as precious.  Though sometimes I am in pain or tired, I push through knowing how much I wish to manifest His gifts and talents given to me.  It is deeply satisfying, and knowing how life can suddenly be cut off, I work toward all I can become and often that is alone as writing and art are rather isolating career paths!  We are all ultimately alone though, change happens and the only solid, stable and real thing is the Lord, God.  Rooted in Him, the Changeless One, you too can make it through lonely, painful and dreary times as you are tapped into the vein of life through Him.  And, you are never alone with His Presence!  Again, there is the deep satisfaction of using your gifts and talents, so dare to dive in.  Get going.  Strip down, purge.  You will come to this realization sooner or later so you might as well face it now and determine to live your best and determine to cheat death ~ keep it at a respectable distance, and begin moving toward all you can be.  In the meantime, Ask!  Seek!  Knock!  Trusting in Him, listening to Him, you will find your provisions and strategies!


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