Furious spiritual warfare is continually going on around us for the souls of humans.  Influential forces of darkness are offering every foul, false light and counterfeit offering from the “Angel of Light” ~ the description of Satan, who goes by many names, Lucifer (Morning Star), the Great Dragon, Angel of Light, Beelzebub, Prince of the Power of the Air, Serpent of Old, and so on.  

Wounds from our childhood set us up for Satanic forces to influence and use us.  Wounds inflicted by cruel and unfair life circumstances can debilitate us and make us vulnerable.  But childhood wounds have the greatest impact for obvious reasons ~ their helplessness, dependency, vulnerability and immature growth state.  It is a rare person who escapes being wounded in childhood and no one escapes the wounds of life.

The goal of Satan is our destruction.  He works to try and blind us to the only true hope for life which is in Jesus Christ.  All other religions and philosophies, though offering some wisdom are either outright counterfeit or outright Devil worship when looked at carefully.  The Angel of Light offers many options that appeal to mankind’s need to worship but also appeal to mankind’s carnal nature to live the way they wants and that always includes whatever way he or she wishes to manifest and use their sexuality.

Childhood wounds of rejection, insecurity, and abuse and abandonment in any form are open doors for the Enemy to work in our fallen flesh nature because most people will then struggle with things like depression, fear, intimidation or control issues, lack of motivation, anger, jealousy, revenge, hopelessness and ingratitude unless intervention for healing occurs.  Most will hide their deep pain and wounds and become image managers, people controllers ~ control freaks, or people pleasers, or manipulators, smoke screeners and side-steppers using confusion and diversion tactics to throw people off to who they are, their inner wounds and what they are doing.  They often are chronic blamers and complainers.  Their claws come out when exposed or they will slither and twist in an effort to throw off exposure.  People who have buried their wounds, unwilling to face them and deal with them will often resort to pride and arrogance whether they present aggressively or passively.  They get themselves into addictions of all manner to numb the inner pain.  Many turn to the occult ~ the dark powers of evil to feel empowered and in control of their life and others.  Or, they worship themselves and sexual experience, which of course leads to bondage and a high likelihood of sexually transmitted diseases.  A run through Romans, Chapter One will detail out that downward spiral.

The only answer to true wholeness is turning to  the Lord, Jesus Christ and spending time alone with the Lord and Father God and the Holy Spirit and to taking a hard, cold look at what their parents or other extended family members did to them.  It involves working through other life wounds in a wholistic way, which is a journey that involves humility and dependency on the Lord.  It is vital a person take a hard look at what kind of occult involvements their family line has been involved in and then renounce them all.  Renounce and destroy or burn all things they themselves have ignorantly or willfully involved themselves in or had relatives involved in related to such things as witchcraft and the occult, Masonry ~ many of us had parents or grandparents who were Masons and which involves bringing curses down on yourself and your family should they have been seriously involved and then left it.  Other things include ouija boards, seances ~ including at slumber parties as a child, reading horoscopes, astrology, playing Dungeon & Dragons, allowing and watching Satanic, horror and evil movies and programs in the home, amulets, the Ankh ~ a cross with a ring top used in Satanic rituals, astral travel, Tarot cards, palm reading, consulting mediums, meditation and yoga rituals to bring a “higher self,” vile, violent rock music, voodoo, fire-walking, evil, dark video games and so on.  

The only way to forget the past and move on is to truly remember it in detail.  

And, it can take time to peel away the layers.

The Lord is so loving and gentle and wants our freedom and peace of mind.  He shows us our behaviors and involvements and He shows us the root of them.  He then asks us to repent of them, turn from them and choose His way of dealing with the wounds and choose His ways of Life and Light.  We want to be free of any of the Enemy’s tentacles and remain vigilant over our minds and hearts and physical purity along with keeping our living environment clean from negative spiritual influences.  If you bring in some piece of furniture that is used by someone else, it is a good idea to ask the Lord, God to cleanse it and then demand any evil entities attached must go by the Name and Power of Jesus Christ and His shed blood and work of the Cross that destroyed the power of the Evil One.  Do the same for when someone has visited your home and you can detect they have left behind a dark spirit. 


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